An unexpected joyful benefit of living cooperatively is stumbling upon arrangements of objects that catch my eye for their humour or beauty or because there is an unintentional connection to be found between the random objects.
Things gather or are momentarily abandoned, by individuals who share a common space, common activities and common values, yet each clearly expresses themselves individually within the commonality of the community. In other words, each individual is a whole entity, expressing themselves within the larger entity of the community.
Holon, defintion:
I frist read the term, ‘Holon,’ in Ken Wilber;s ‘A Brief History of Everything’. I thought I’d ask an LLM about the definition, I asked Chat GTP 3, then Gemini, below is what Gemini came up with:
The history of the term "holon" isn't quite as straightforward as attributing it to a single academic. While the concept of wholes within wholes has existed for centuries, the specific term "holon" and its detailed characteristics owe their development to multiple figures:
1. Arthur Koestler: The Austrian-Hungarian author and journalist laid the groundwork for the concept in his 1967 book "The Ghost in the Machine."
He discussed entities within larger entities, exhibiting both individuality and participation in a whole, but didn't explicitly use the term "holon."
2. Arthur Kozak: This biologist further developed the concept in the 1970s and coined the term "holon."
He explored its application in biological systems, emphasizing holons' hierarchical structure and open, dynamic nature.
3. Ken Wilber: The American philosopher and integral theorist built upon Kozak's work in the 1980s, popularizing the term "holon" and integrating it into his integral theory. He applied the concept across various domains, including psychology, sociology, and even spirituality.
Therefore, instead of a single originator, "holon" represents a collaborative effort. Koestler laid the foundation, Kozak coined the term and explored its biological implications, and Wilber popularized and expanded its application across various fields.